If you have a V3 or CODE V3 keyboard you may have found that your scroll lock LED indicator has turned red (or blue, or green) without you knowing why, or how to turn it off.
By default out of the box our V3 keyboards are set up so that the scroll lock LED indicator will show you which virtual layer you are on. Most likely you have hit the key combo on accident that has taken you to a different virtual layer.
What is a virtual layer?
Our V3 keyboards are programmable, so you can remap keys and also set up macros. You may want to set up these remaps or macros for certain applications you use frequently to speed up your workflow. By using virtual layers you can have up to 4 separate 'layers' of remaps and macros and easily toggle between them.
To help you understand visually, a virtual layer or layout can be thought of in a physical way. Imagine you had 4 physical keyboards on your desk and each one was programmed and set up to perform certain functions, or had their own key remaps set up for a specialized task or better ergonomics. By utilizing 'virtual' keyboard layers it means that you only need one keyboard that can take the place of 4 others, and you can toggle between these layers quickly with our built in hotkeys. This is where the LED indication helps you identify quickly which virtual layer you're currently using.
Fn+m = Layer 1 [default layer] (no LED lit)
Fn+< = Layer 2 (Red LED lit)
Fn+> = Layer 3 (Blue LED lit)
Fn+? = Layer 4 (Green LED lit)
For example: If you press Fn+? it will take you to Layer 4, and the scroll lock indicator will turn green letting you know that.
If you'd like your scroll lock toggle to display whether scroll lock is on or off instead, you can set dipswitch 3 (SW3) to the "on" position. Please remember to unplug the keyboard when making changes to the dipswitches.
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