WASD support unresponsive (10+ days of waiting time so far)


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    I'm fairly certain they've gone belly-up. A lot of their most basic and common products (like the full-sized barebones boards) are out of stock and have been for months with no word about when they'll be back in stock (I've had it set to notify me when it's back in stock since August and that's after months of checking periodically with the same result, so realistically, it's been about a year).

    If they're not finished as a company, this is pretty bad. Even the community forums are a ghost town. If they have gone out of business, that sucks and I'm sad to see them go, but these things happen, and some kind of announcement (like even a banner on the homepage or something) would have been nice or at least some word of what's going on. I'm not even asking for specifics, just... are they done?

    I don't get the logic in just collectively giving up and ghosting everyone like this. I'm hoping they're finished as a business; I really liked this company and their products and service. I've been having issues with my old custom board and have been meaning to pick up a barebones replacement for a long time now. Now it seems clear like it's not even worth reaching out to support for a possible fix for the existing board. Oh well...

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