Tilde vs. Section symbol



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    Brandt Krueger

    In case anyone else runs into this, upgrading the firmware to v3_0.9-7691 fixed this issue. Just be warned that the DIP switch settings may change, so be sure to check out the .9 manual listed on the download page. Mac mode is now 1&2 ON.

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    Paul Caskey

    Same or similar problem with same switch settings, on mac:
    Backtick = §
    Tilde = ±

    This is CODE V3, according to my Amazon order, although the DIP settings reference card included says V2.
    My older CODE V2 did not have this problem. So I'm now in some limbo with v3 but needing a firmware update? Just for one key? Unfortunately I need a working backtick. :-/

    Ugh. I've never updated firmware before on a keyboard, especially on a Mac. Here goes!

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    Paul Caskey

    Total fail. Virtualbox error below. I give up! Will have to find a friend with a Windows box. THIS IS INSANE.


    Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)

    Make sure the kernel module has been loaded successfully.

    where: suplibOsInit what: 3 VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED (-1908) - The support driver is not installed. On linux, open returned ENOENT.

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    Hello Paul, 

    That install error is due to permissions, you can view the solution here; https://medium.com/@Aenon/mac-virtualbox-kernel-driver-error-df39e7e10cd8 

    As I have stated in your other post, if all you're trying to do is fix the tilde bug, please just turn off mac mode and use your OSX keyboard settings to swap command/option (that's all mac mode does). Set SW1 to "off", remember to unplug and replug when making changes to the dipswitch so they can take effect. This is a good workaround that doesn't involve installing a VM until we can get you a very easy one click mac firmware updater tool. 

    Thank you! 

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    Paul Caskey

    Perfect! Thanks David. I didn't know this problem was only in "Mac mode" on the keyboard! Else I would've done this OSX fix strait away. I was off doing other software fixes this morning, in my IDE and iTerm2 -- it has key remaps that I was going to post here as another workaround. I'd tried OSX remap of ` and ~ (I can type those chars now!!! :-D) but it only replaces entire words.

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    No problem Paul, 

    Yes it's a silly bug but we did squash it in the newer firmware, just need to wait a bit more for the OSX updater tool and then you don't have to go through the rigmarole of setting up a VM. We apologize for the inconvenience and we definitely can understand the frustration. We appreciate you reaching out though. Thank you! Instead of trying to remap with mac mode on, at this time it's really just easier to turn off mac mode and use keyboard settings to flip option/command maps :)  

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