Single broken key - steps to troubleshoot/fix



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    Ilya V. Gusinski

    Oh, and one more thing - if I would like to change out the broken switch - is there a tutorial, instructions, how to video - anything that would help me along? (I have a V3 model keyboard)

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    I saw your email and answered there as well. Did the arrow key stop working suddenly, or partially at first? Has anything happened to the keyboard such as a fall or liquid spill? Any chance there is a conflict with remapping or something like Karabiner? If you haven't already, try a factory reset. Unplug, enable dip switch 4 on the back, and plug back in. The indicator LEDs will flash red for about 20 seconds, turn solid blue, then solid green when the reset is complete. You can then unplug, disable switch 4, and plug in again. 

    Let me know your findings, and any additional information you may have.

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    Ilya V. Gusinski

    Paige, thank you for replying, I just noticed the email and saw the post... I got it fixed by returning the keyboard to the default setting (using the No4 jumper) I guess somehow it got programmed weird (although I am not using the programming at all)... so in any event thank you for replying!


    Hope you are staying safe!


    But as a point of interest for the future - are the switches soldered or can be replaced by popping them off?



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    The switches are soldered in, but can be replaced if you're comfortable with that. We don't currently have a video showing the process on a V3, but the basics are the same across the board (pun intended)


    The beginning of this video will get you into the case:

    Switch replacement can be viewed here:


    Let us know if you run into any other questions!

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