WASD v3 104-key pcb layout
Hi there,
I've been looking around and I can't seem to find this answer. I was wondering if there was a file or some sort of schematic available for the pcb layout (mounting holes etc.) on the WASD V3 104-key case. I plan to create my own pcb and I want to make sure the mounting holes, size, etc. are correct on the pcb and the plates I may put in.
Background on this, for those curious: I am going to go with Zeal-style switches, however I am leaning toward the silent-end which means I need to solder my own switches. This could mean I just order a regular WASD 104-key layout and de-solder, but I thought it'd be fun to make my own and get that experience.
Here you go Jeremy, please use this link. https://www.wasdkeyboards.com/media/wysiwyg/support/pcb_dimensions.pdf
We will be offering a DIY kit pretty soon, so you will be able to order one disassembled without switches and add your own switches and also get the satisfaction of building your own keyboard.
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