Potential improvements to the DIY parts
Answered- Could you add more holes to the PCB to accommodate 5 pin switches? It allows a lot more options, with (hopefully) no drawbacks
- A bigger change would be the PCB to have Kailh Hotswap sockets https://mechboards.co.uk/shop/components/kailh-hotswap-sockets/ I made my PCB hot-swappable with Mill-Max 3305s, but the Kailhs would be considerably cheaper and easier to work with https://www.mill-max.com/products/receptacle/3305
- I ran into a problem with the stabilizers: I wanted to transfer across stabilizers from a V2 I have, but they don't fit and the version that does is out of stock in your shop. Plate-mounted Cherry style stabilizers should only need a small change to the plate, and give scope for modifying.
- Also about stabilizers: an option for the PCB-mounted screw-in form would be great, but I imagine that would be more work to implement than the plate-mounted form.
Greg Thank you!
1. I will bring it up with our OEM, it may be possible but also may not.
2. We are developing a hot-swap socket board, so most likely we can offer them as DIY kits as well.
3. Yes, the older V2 stabs will not work with the switch locations (for top LED location), you will need the 'flat' style stabilizer bars and we do have them in stock now!
4. Unfortunately we probably cannot offer screw-in style stabilizers for our boards, but we will be switch to Cherry style stabilizers in the next batch of DIY kits.
Thank you!
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