DIP 1 disables Print Screen / Scroll Lock / Pause keys




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    Hello Alexander, 

    Setting SW1 "on" should not affect the indicator lights nor functions. 

    Please reset your board, and if you're still having issues update to the latest firmware here: https://support.wasdkeyboards.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018518874-Keyboard-Firmware-Updates 

    If you're still having this issue let me know and we can troubleshoot further.

    Thank you!

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    Alexander Cooper

    Thanks for the reply David.

    The indicator lights still function. What DIP1 does appear to do is convert Print Screen / Scroll Lock / Pause keys to F13 / F14 / F15.

    Customer service already helped me out with reprogramming the few buttons that I need, its just misleading in the user's manual. 

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    Hello Alex, 

    Yes, depending on what firmware you're running, SW1 "on" and SW2 "off" can set the board in "Mac Mode" - this will swap the win and alt key positions (command/option on mac). It also will change PrtSc, Scrl Lk, and Pause to F13/14/15

    If you're on windows I would suggest not using Mac Mode for this change, there are a few ways you can do this swap. One is just by remapping those keys on one layer and then you can toggle from layer to layer to get back to your normal layout. 

    Since your main goal is to not hit the win keys automatically, you might want to just disable those keys by remapping them to something like shift or pause or some other key that essentially will do "nothing". 

    Thank you! 

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